Yoga in Harwich
Classes or Studios in Harwich
Reaching Heart Yoga & Yoga Therapy
Melissa Tishler
Certified Kripalu Instructor
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist
(508) 432-4465
Maureen A. Hammett
(508) 783-4895
The Moving Meditation with Maureen Hammat
Cape Cod Bando Academy
Rte. 6 to Exit 11 ~ Harwich, 181 Rte. 137 near the movie theater
Marie Gould, R.Y.T.
Melissa Tishler
Certified Kripalu Instructor
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist
(508) 432-4465
Maureen A. Hammett
(508) 783-4895
The Moving Meditation with Maureen Hammat
Cape Cod Bando Academy
Rte. 6 to Exit 11 ~ Harwich, 181 Rte. 137 near the movie theater
Marie Gould, R.Y.T.